One of my missions here has been to try every possible new food item I can get my hands on. I mean, who knows how delicious something could be if you never taste it? And happily, my efforts have proved fruitful. I have a new love.

It's called Gervita. Similar to yogurt, it's a whipped fromage blanc with a light, tart taste. My homestay family eats with sugar added in by the spoonful. Raw crunchy brown sugar is the best accompaniment, I've found. And of course, this treat is nowhere to be found in the U.S. I guess that means I have to eat as much of it as possible while I'm here...
As for ice cream, France has not let me down with its selection of unusual flavors. Here's what I've been able to try so far.
In St Malo, I had raspberry, tiramisu, and amour-de-glace. Amour-de-glace, the only new flavor, although not necessarily the most tasty, consisted of lots of caramel, praline, and deliciousness. All of the sun and the liveliness of the town helped make this an excellent selection. Rating: 9.6/10
Just outside of the gardens of château Villandry, I found the most eclectic collection of ice cream yet. Fruits and herbs, flowers and spices, normal flavors, too. Min Soo and I chose pamplemousse mélisse, coconut, and rose. I was intrigued at first by the pamplemousse mélisse because I just couldn't put my finger on the right word for the flavor. (Grapefruit and something tasting like thyme, maybe?) But the rose definitely tasted like soap right off the bat. After a few minutes the pamplemousse went that way, too. Maybe weirder isn't always better when it comes to ice cream. I fed the over-eager fish in the moat with what was left of the cone. They were grateful. Rating: 6.2/ 10
Any other foods any one suggests that I look for while I'm here? Frog legs are already on my list. I'm open to anything, almost.
Yes, this post wasn't about the châteaux or Munich. More on that later!
I find it so interesting that as a small child you were such a finicky eater and now you are not afraid to try anything. I love that. Have you had any oysters yet? Any great cheeses? The ice creams sound devine. A whole new world!
I tried rose-flavored ice cream in Japan. You're right--it tasted soapy! Rather, it tasted like eating a garden. Not the greatest thing ever. Interesting... but weird. You'd go crazy in Japan trying all the different flavors there too!!
i'm so glad you have an entire blog dedicated to my favorite food.
i adoooore the version français of coffee ice takes like REAL coffee. absolutely delicious!
I agree with Lisa. Your food selections as a child included about five things! Gives me great hope for Ashleigh.
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